Keeping Up with online developments. The world wide web changes constantly and to remain relevant we need to keep changing, adjusting and educating so that we are both capable and knowledgable with trends and developments.

This year to date Google has rolled out 4 algorithm updates, LastPass was hacked, Uber are getting into everything, Singles Day in China grossed over $7billion in online sales in one day, Malcolm Turnball has become Australia’s 29th Prime Minister and Hawthorn won its third AFL premiership in a row. But what does all of this mean?

So to be more specific

Google released its Mobilegeddon update

In April 2015 Google did what it’s blog said it would do making ‘mobile friendly’ an important factor in search results. User experience has long been a ranking factor for search results and with the ‘Mobilegeddon’ or MICE update search results from mobile devices have changed forever to favour sites which are mobile friendly. So to stay relevant and found make sure your website either has a mobile friendly version of itself or is responsive.

LastPass was Hacked

What does this mean…. LastPass is an online password manager making it easier for you to manage your digital life by compiling all of your passwords into one place so that you can access them from anywhere with one SECURE password. It also means that hackers are actively trying to steal your passwords and online digital data.

We also found this in January when around 30 websites that we created were all hacked, so we tried a few things and learnt ways to better secure our digital property and that of our clients.

The Rise of Uber

Uber is a worldwide online phenomenon and it is a simple business model breaking down red tape. While traditional business has kept on doing what they do, Uber has innovated allowing regular “Joe’s” to become there own bosses with little start up capital and heaps of online support and customers.

What is Singles Day

Single’s day is a Hallmark day in China, originally touted as a day for singles to spoil themselves, much like a Valentines day for yourself. What is truly amazing though is turning over more than $7 Billion ($7,000,000,000) in sales in 24 hours, the Chinese delivery services will be busy.

How does that effect Australia? In Australia in 2015 there are approximately 44,000 online retailers and service providers who are tapping into and estimated $16 Billion annual turnover, employing over 62,000 people and this market has been growing at 16.5% annually since 2011. Why wouldn’t you get involved in that?

Whats Malcolm Got to do with Anything

Malcolm Turnbull embraces technology and feels it will be a key driver in Australia’s economic future…
We have to recognise that the disruption that we see driven by technology, the volatility in change is our friend if we are agile and smart enough to take advantage of it.

What Malcolm is saying here is new technologies which make trading easier are to be embraced and the disruption to our current methods are good for our economy. So if you are ready to jump on board get in touch and lets get this ball rolling

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